15 Useful French Greetings for Travelers

If you are planning to travel to France or any francophone country (where French is spoken), then you must familiarize yourself with a few basic French greetings before your trip. Here is a list of 15 useful French greetings for travelers, along with their pronunciations and meanings in English. This list would also be helpful for beginner French learners.

8 useful free apps for exploring France

Image by Anthony Delanoix on Unsplash

FrenchPronunciation English
Bohn-zhoorHello, Good morning, Good afternoon

Bohn-swahrGood evening
(Use bonsoir when you meet someone in the evening generally after 6 pm)
4.Bonne nuit
Bohn-nweeGood night
(Use bonne nuit when you are going to bed)
5.Ça va? (informal)
Sah vah?How are you?
6.Comment vas-tu? 
Koh-mon vah too?How are you?
7.Comment allez-vous?
Koh-mon tah lay-voo?How are you?
8.Bien, merci
Beean, mairseeFine, thank you
9. Pas mal
Pah mahlNot bad
10.Pas bien
Pah beeanNot well
11.Comme ci, comme ça
Kohm see, kohm sahOk/so so

Saying goodbye in French

When you are leaving or ending a conversation, use the following phrases.

12.Au revoir
Oh ruh-vwahrGoodbye

(Salut can be used for saying both hi and goodbye)
14.À la prochaine 
Ah lah proh-shenSee you soon
15.À plus tard 
Ah ploo tarSee you later

If you’re interested in learning about some free apps for exploring France, check out this blog post 8 Useful Free Apps for Exploring France or if you need help in organizing your perfect trip, then you can check out this travel planner Diary of a Meanderer. It’s the perfect way to plan it all in one place. 

Diary of a Meanderer : Travel Journal Trip Organizer Vacation Planner for 4 trips with extensive checklists and more

Diary of a Meanderer : Travel Journal Trip Organizer Vacation Planner for 4 trips with extensive checklists and more

By Anchal / Last updated: November 29, 2023

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