30 essential French Words and Phrases

30 essential french phrases for travellers

Traveling to France or any francophone (French-speaking) country? Learning French? Then here is a list of 30 essential French Words and Phrases, useful for travelers and French learners! 

French English
1. Bonjour   Hello, good morning, good afternoon
2. Bonsoir Good evening 
3. Au revoir Goodbye
4. MerciThank you
5. PardonExcuse me
6. De rienYou are welcome
7. S’il vous plaîtPlease
8. Oui  Yes
9. Non No
10. D’accordOkay
11. Monsieur  Sir, Mr.
12. Madame  Madam, Mrs.
13. MademoiselleMiss
14. Je m’appelleMy name is 
15. Qu’est-ce que c’est? What is it?
16. Je voudrais I would like
17. Il y a There is/there are  

When in trouble…

18. Pouvez-vous m’aider?   Can you help me?
19. Je ne sais pas  I don’t know
20. Je ne comprends pasI don’t understand
21. J’ai une questionI have a question
22. J’ai un problème  I have a problem
23. Parlez-vous anglais?Do you speak English?
24. Je parle un peu de françaisI speak a little French
25. Comment dit-on ‘….’ en français?How do you say ‘…’ in French?
26. Répétez, s’il vous plaît   Please repeat
27. Je suis malade         I’m sick
28. Appelez une ambulance Call an ambulance
29. J’ai mal ici  I hurt here
30. J’ai besoin d’un médecin I need a doctor

The 30 French phrases listed in this article are just some of the very basic phrases that you need to know before you visit France or a francophone country (where French is spoken). For more useful French phrases, check out French Vocabulary Banka bilingual book ideal for French learners and travelers. By the end of this book, you will know more than 600 essential French phrases, to be used in everyday situations to manage well in a francophone country. 

French Vocabulary Bank: English-French bilingual vocabulary book of essential French words and phrases

By Anchal / Last updated: November 29, 2023

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